The GreenHouse has volunteer partnerships with several local high schools. We invite high school students age 16 or older to volunteer in our elementary after-school programs, providing tutoring and mentorship for 1st-6th graders. You learn a ton, and it's lots of fun! Volunteering at The GreenHouse as a high school student provides:
-- A supportive environment to work with kids, learning more about your own gifts, skills and passions
-- Helpful experience and references you can use on a resume and college applications
-- An opportunity to get volunteer hours and/or complete your Senior Project
-- Work-related feedback to develop your professional skills
-- Role modeling from highly experienced older staff
-- A chance to mentor younger kids in your own community!
For more information: please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Gabe Benson, at gabe.thegreenhouse@gmail.com
or call 916-402-7978. To volunteer, download an application and contact Gabe to set up an interview.