Executive Director Search

Dear Friends,

In early 2024 our Executive Director, Rena Crocker, will be transitioning out of her role at The GreenHouse. We are incredibly grateful for Rena’s faithful work these past six years and thankful that she will continue to be a part of the neighborhood community. While the transition of someone as gifted as Rena brings a sense of loss, we are confident in the strength of The GreenHouse and excited about new opportunities this might bring.

During Rena’s time as Executive Director at The GreenHouse, we added three new staff positions: Partnership Director, Parent & Family Engagement Director, and Teen Internship Coordinator. The GreenHouse also launched a number of new programs including our summer internship program, a new reading initiative, and open houses connecting the broader community to The GreenHouse. Last year, 45 percent of youth in The GreenHouse’s elementary after-school program progressed more than a full grade level in reading, and the number of kids reading at or near grade level rose 30 percent. Over the last three summers, The GreenHouse awarded forty-two certificates to local high schoolers for completing internships in Recreation Leadership, Culinary Arts, Photography & Digital Communications, and Web Design. Thanks to new funding opportunities we are expanding these internships to run through the 2023/24 school year. We celebrate The GreenHouse’s deepening, broadening work in this season of Rena’s leadership.

This growth has taken place in the broader context of God’s faithfulness to our community and The GreenHouse over decades. This July, a front page article in the Sacramento Bee highlighted the impact of The GreenHouse’s presence over the last twenty-one years in the neighborhood, supporting and inspiring youth in their emotional, spiritual, and intellectual development. As we now prepare to step into a new season of leadership together, we truly believe the GreenHouse is equipped to serve the Gardenland/Northgate community from youth to family members to neighbors and beyond.

Our Board of Directors has already begun the search process for Rena’s successor to allow time for sufficient training, and to ensure a smooth transition. We have put together a small search committee of both current and former board members to help discern this process.

As we enter a season of change for the organization, we have several prayer requests and needs:

  • For God to continue to shepherd Rena and her family into this next season of life.
  • For our staff as they process the challenges and dream about the opportunities of this transition.
  • For the families in the neighborhood as they navigate this change, and that God may prepare them to welcome the next Executive Director.
  • For God to lead the best candidate to the GreenHouse and that their heart is already being softened toward the community.
  • For strong year-end giving and wisdom for the board as we discern about the search and hiring process.

God has always provided for The GreenHouse in ordinary and extraordinary ways, and we are confident this next season will be no different. We are thankful for the commitment and strength of the staff, partners, and donors as we navigate this transition.

Please click here to see the Executive Director job description. If you know of anyone who you think might be a good fit for the position or if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our search committee at hr@thegreenhousecenter.org

With gratitude in partnership,

Michael Benson, Chair of The GreenHouse Board of Directors

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