High School Internships
As teens get older, they seek opportunities to develop new skills and prepare for the future. Each summer, The GreenHouse offers career exposure internships for 10th-12th grader youth. High schoolers complete a forty hour internship over five weeks, learning under the supervision of an internship leader, developing job skills and discovering related career fields while obtaining experience for their resumes. Internships incorporate rising levels of skill-building that culminate in a final project and time for reflection to integrate deeper learning. Teens that complete the internship receive a $350 stipend. Internship focus areas for 2022 include Web Design, Culinary Arts, Photography & Digital Communications, and Recreation Leadership. Read more about our 2022 internships below!
Web Development
In the Web Development internship, students learn the fundamental building blocks of the internet: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Principles of web design and project management are also emphasized. After learning the foundations of these coding concepts, these skills are put into practice and a web page is designed and built for a community client. In this process, students will follow a real-world professional project plan.
- Collaborative group brainstorming design sessions
- Building out a web page mock up using wireframes and HTML templates
- Soliciting content from the community client: copy text, design ideas, images, and other resources
- Implementing the page(s) in peer learning groups
- Offering the project for client review, ensuring it is designed according to expectations
- Making client-requested edits and changes
- Publishing the final revisions to the web!
Once the client page is completed students will also design their own personal portfolio webpage, building out a professional online web resume that demonstrates their skills and proficiency.
Students interested in online technology and media will find this course exciting and creatively stimulating. The skills learned will open doors to many educational and career paths, and will be a great addition to their professional resume.
Photography & Digital Communications
In this internship, students will learn about photography hardware, composition, lifestyle photography, portrait photography, social media management, and photo editing. They will complete hands-on publicity projects like social media posts, video, and an e-newsletter.
The GreenHouse relies significantly on photography and digital communications: updating current events on our web page, fundraising for the Big Day of Giving, or keeping people informed through monthly digital newsletters. We hire two interns during the school year who show potential and have interest to take pictures, post on our social media and work alongside Rena and Brenda for special projects. This is also a great way to grow in mentorship with GreenHouse Staff. Throughout the internship program, participants will be in charge of taking pictures of community events and day to day activities in our afterschool programs.
Culinary Arts
- Homemade pizza
- Roasted vegetables
- Chicken curry with rice
- Spaghetti with homemade sauce
- Cinnamon rolls
Recreational Leadership
The Recreational Leadership internship is a fun and exciting internship to be a part of. We will build leadership skills through planning and executing group games with the teens here at the Greenhouse during the Liquid summer camp. We will also build relationships with the teens through free time activities and field trips. Every week games are planned to build community: minute-to-win-it games, water wars, or dye wars.
Students will learn how to plan, prep, and execute each game we play. Each week the interns will come together and figure out what games they want to make happen for the following week. Then they think through what materials are needed to play each game and what preparation is needed before the game is played. They also will type out the rules of the games and how to play them so they can thoroughly explain each game to the teens. On game day we get all the games prepped and ready and make sure each intern knows the rules of each game and what role they are taking. Finally we execute every game we can. Every intern will get a chance to be in charge of a different game each week so as to begin getting more comfortable talking in front of groups and being able to lead the teens in what is happening next.
Each week is different, but also very fun. While there is a lot of preparation to be done for each of the games, the joy and smiles seen on all of the teens make all of it worth it.